Corporate Finance

COVID-19 webinar | Is your business financially equipped post COVID-19?

Tony Krohn
3 June 2020
1 min read

4 June 2020

On Tuesday 2nd June, Partner Tony Krohn and Associate Partner Anthony Bell of the Findex Debt Advisory team presented a webinar on how to prepare your business financially with funding assistance from the banks post COVID-19.

The presentation highlighted:

  • The banks’ perspective;

  • Risk factors still on the horizon;

  • Understanding and acknowledging stress factors in cashflows;

  • How best to approach your bank

Unlock your FREE Financial Health Self-Assessment

Better understand your cash flow position and possible funding needs with our Financial Health Self-Assessment. Take the 10-point questionnaire to consider your current borrowings, cashflow stresses and accommodation of COVID-19 disruptions to assess your business’ financial health both now and into the future.

Author: Tony Krohn | Partner