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How to leave a legacy for your loved ones in retirement

John Ravetali John Ravetali
24 July 2024
6 min read

Have you ever considered how you will be remembered by family members and future generations? Legacy is an essential part of retirement planning, yet it is often overlooked amidst the need for financial security. This is possibly due to its perception. But leaving a legacy isn’t about leaving lots of money behind; it means ensuring your values, wishes, and memories endure through your loved ones.

Many Australians aged 45-60 face uncertainty and complexity in their estate planning, leading to potential conflict and stress for their families. In this article, we’ll explore how to leave a legacy by first examining common mistakes people make. Then, we'll delve into practical steps to integrate legacy into your retirement planning.

Learning from others' mistakes

Many Australians face challenges due to outdated documents or lack of proper guidance. In the following stories, we explore scenarios where individuals and families encountered significant hurdles due to inadequate legacy planning. By learning from their mistakes, you can take proactive steps to leave a legacy that not only secures your loved ones’ future but also reflects your lifetime of hard work and dedication. Let these stories inspire you to act and ensure your legacy is protected and fulfilled.

The importance of updating your will

Michael and Lisa had meticulously planned their future together, including their dream of retiring by the coast. They had initially drafted their wills when their children were young, outlining their wishes for asset distribution and guardianship. However, as their children grew older and Michael's career flourished, they postponed updating their wills to reflect their changing circumstances.

Tragically, Lisa passed away unexpectedly due to a sudden illness. In the aftermath of her death, Michael faced unforeseen legal challenges regarding the distribution of their assets. Their outdated wills did not account for the new properties they had acquired, or the substantial investments Michael had made in his business. This oversight led to prolonged legal battles and strained relationships with their children, who felt uncertain about their mother's intentions.

Protecting your business legacy

Michael had built a successful family business over several decades, employing numerous staff and providing a stable income for his family. However, when Michael passed away without a clear succession plan in place, his family struggled to navigate the complexities of business ownership and management.

Internal disagreements arose among family members about the future direction of the business, leading to delays in decision-making and potential financial instability. This situation could have been avoided with proper succession planning, including a clear outline of leadership transitions and business ownership. Michael’s story illustrates the critical importance of integrating business succession planning into broader estate planning efforts to preserve both family harmony and business continuity.

The consequences of delayed estate planning

Sarah and James had meticulously saved for their retirement and enjoyed planning for their future travels and family time. Despite their financial prudence, they hadn’t reviewed their estate planning details in over a decade.

Tragically, James passed away suddenly, leaving Sarah to manage their estate alone. In the absence of updated legal documents, Sarah encountered unexpected legal hurdles and prolonged delays in accessing their assets. This added considerable emotional strain to Sarah's grieving process and disrupted their long-term financial plans. Their story poignantly illustrates the critical importance of regular estate planning updates to align with life changes and ensure peace of mind for both partners.

How to define your legacy goals and values

The first step in leaving a legacy for your loved ones is to clarify your goals and values. This process involves reflecting on how you want to be remembered by your family and community.

Here are some factors to consider:



Family history and traditions
Reflect on your roots and the traditions you cherish. What stories and values do you want to pass down?
Achievements and contributions
Consider your accomplishments and how they have impacted others. What legacy do your professional and personal successes create?
Passions and interests
Think about what you love to do and how these passions have shaped your life. How can they be incorporated into your legacy?
Beliefs and principles
Reflect on your core beliefs and principles. How do they guide your decisions and actions?
Hopes and dreams
Contemplate your aspirations for the future. What dreams do you hope your legacy will inspire in your loved ones?

To help define your legacy goals and values, consider using online exercises, workshops, or books that offer structured reflection and guidance. Engaging in discussions with family members can also provide valuable insights and help ensure your legacy resonates with those you care about.

How to create and update your estate and succession plans

Once you have clarified your legacy goals and values, the next step is to create and update your estate and succession plans. These plans should reflect your legacy and comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Here are the key components to consider:



Wills and testaments
Clearly outline your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets.
Power of attorney and guardianship
Appoint trusted individuals to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so.
Trusts and beneficiaries
Establish trusts to manage and protect assets for your beneficiaries.
Superannuation and pensions
Ensure your retirement funds are allocated according to your wishes.
Business and assets
Plan for the succession of any business interests and the distribution of assets.

Creating and updating these documents can be daunting, but various online templates, guides, and checklists are available to simplify the process. Regular reviews of your plans are essential to accommodate changes in your circumstances or legislation. Effective estate planning ensures that your long-term goals are met and that your legacy planning is thorough and thoughtful.

How we can help ensure your legacy is protected and fulfilled

The final step in leaving a legacy for your loved ones is to work with Findex, a provider of wealth management and accounting services. We offer a range of solutions designed to ensure your legacy is protected and fulfilled according to your wishes.

Here’s an overview of their services:



Superannuation advice
Receive expert guidance on managing your superannuation and self-managed super funds (SMSFs).
Investment management
Develop and manage an investment portfolio aligned with your legacy goals.
Risk management and insurance
Protect your assets and ensure financial security for your loved ones.
Estate planning and succession
Create robust estate and succession plans that reflect your legacy.
Retirement income strategies
Develop strategies to maximise your retirement income and support your legacy.

Our holistic approach to financial advisory services ensures all aspects of your financial life are aligned with your legacy goals.

What some of our satisfied clients say

"Working with Findex has given us peace of mind. They helped us create a comprehensive estate plan that ensures our legacy will benefit our children and grandchildren for years to come.” – John and Mary S.

“Findex’s expert advice on our SMSF has been invaluable. We feel confident that our retirement funds are secure and that our legacy is in good hands.” – Sarah and David B.

Key takeaways

As you embark on this journey, consider the emotional and psychological aspects of legacy planning. Discuss your intentions and plans openly with family members to ensure everyone understands your wishes. This transparency can prevent future conflicts and foster a sense of shared purpose.

Involving your loved ones in the planning process can also strengthen family bonds and create a collective vision for the future. Remember, your legacy is not just about financial assets; it's about the values, traditions, and memories you leave behind.

By working with us, you can ensure your legacy is protected and fulfilled for future generations. Our holistic financial services offer the expertise and support needed to navigate the complexities of legacy planning.

Don’t leave your legacy to chance. Contact Findex for a free consultation.

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John Ravetali
Author: John Ravetali | Financial Adviser